A total of 2 lakh 76 thousand 120 children will be fed Vitamin A Plus capsules in Lakshmipur on July 14 on the occasion of the National Vitamin A Plus Campaign. The health department informed this information in the orientation workshop held with the journalists working at the district level in the conference room of Lakshmipur district civil surgeon office on Thursday morning.
In the workshop, the civil surgeon said that 30 thousand 600 children aged 6-11 months and 2 lakh 76 thousand 120 children aged 12-59 months of 58 unions of the district will be fed red capsules. 3 thousand 735 workers and 183 supervisors have been appointed on the occasion of the campaign. He said that these capsules will be fed in 1 thousand 512 temporary and 5 permanent centers.
Dr. Civil Surgeon in the workshop. Mostafa Khaled Ahmed spoke under the chairmanship of Press Club President Kamal Uddin Howladar, General Secretary Saidul Islam Pabel, Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer Dr. Md. Dr. Nizam Uddin, Medical Officer of Civil Surgeon Office. Muhammad Arifur Rahman and others.