In Jessore, after hearing the news of his father's suicide, the boy also committed suicide by jumping under the train. Sultanpur village of Jessore Sadar Upazila was silent in this poignant incident that happened within an hour and a half on Friday afternoon. It is said that this incident of suicide of father and son happened due to family dispute.
The deceased are Sirajul Islam (60), an agriculturist of Sultanpur village, and his only son, Sohel Hossain (28), a master's student. Meanwhile, since the incident, Sirajul's daughters-in-law have been covering up.
Locals said that Sirajul Islam and his daughter and son-in-law often quarreled over the division of land. There was a fight on Friday morning as well. As a result, father Sirajul committed suicide by hanging a rope on Friday afternoon. Hearing this news, son Sohail also committed suicide by jumping under the train near Rajarhat railway crossing in the afternoon. Police recovered the dead bodies of father and son and sent them to Jessore's 250-bed general hospital morgue at night.
Jessore's Chandpara Police Camp IC SI Aminul Islam said, Sirajul Islam's only son is Sohail. And out of three daughters, two are married. Due to a family dispute, Sirajul committed suicide by hanging himself with a mehguni tree in the field near the house at noon. Hearing this news, the boy committed suicide by throwing his head under the train at Rajarhat.
SI Shahidul Islam, in-charge of Jessore GRP police station, said that a young man named Sohail died after being hit by a train near Rajarhat railway crossing in Jessore Sadar. After hearing that the father committed suicide by hanging himself, I got the news that the son also committed suicide. His body was recovered.