Prince Mohammed bin Salman brought big changes in Saudi Arabia again. He is going to bring amendments in two old customs.
In a 236-page official directive, the Saudi government announced that from now on, women can travel together with men in public places such as offices, restaurants, entertainment centers, sports grounds, hospitals, shops and markets.
Until now, women did not have the right to move together with men in such public places. A separate time and place was fixed for them. Secondly, MBS has also given up the traditional practice of closing businesses for prayers during daily transactions. Besides, a bunch of other amendments to the law have also been mentioned in the guidelines.
The guidelines were published last Thursday night local time. The Saudi government has confirmed that these two amendments are going to be the cause of strong opposition from conservatives in the country. Therefore, these two amendments are mentioned on page 156 of the 236-page guidelines and the government of the country did not say anything in this regard in the press conference. It is even deleted from the online information of the guide.