Handset manufacturer Lava has launched a low-priced feature phone in the Indian market. The model of this phone with a full metal body is Lava Metal 24. The phone is being sold in the Indian market for just Rs 2000. The price of the phone in Bangladeshi taka after VAT and tax is 2398 taka.
The Lava phone has a 2.4-inch QVGA display. The display resolution is 240x320 pixels. This dual-SIM phone is powered by a MediaTek MT6261D processor. The phone's memory can be expanded up to 32 GB via a microSD card.
The rear camera of this phone is 1.3 megapixels. It has digital zoom. The battery is 1000 mAh.
The phone will be available in two colors. The phone comes pre-loaded with Snake and Need for Speed games.
Network connectivity includes Bluetooth and Edge browser. However, this phone does not support 3G network.