Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tulsi is the cure for diseases.

A basil plant at home will help you stay away from hundreds of diseases. Basil is a highly medicinal plant. It is used for colds, coughs, worms and carminative, digestive and antiseptic. It also has many other uses.

Introduction to Tulsi
The English name of basil is Holy basil and the scientific name is Ocimum basilicum Linn. Basil is usually a small shrub-like plant with dense branches, 2-4 feet high. Its leaves are 1-3 inches long. The edges of the leaves are notched, 5 inflorescences come out from the tip of the branches, and there are 10-20 umbrella-shaped flowers around each inflorescence. 6 small flowers bloom on each layer. Basil plants grow from seeds. Its leaves can be collected throughout the year. Basil protects the body from various viruses, bacteria and fungi. The leaves can be chewed and eaten raw. Many people drink the juice. Basil leaf tea is quite delicious.

The white basil plant is the most commonly seen, but there is also a black basil plant, called Krishna Tulsi.

Benefits of Tulsi leaves:

If you have an upset stomach, grind 10 basil leaves with a little cumin and eat them 3-4 times a day. The problem will go away. That is, you will stop going to the toilet repeatedly.

If you have a fever, mix basil leaves, black pepper and sugar in water and boil it well. Or mix the three ingredients and make a pill. Take the pill with water three to four times a day. The fever will go away very quickly.

If the cough does not subside, grind basil leaves and ginger and mix them with honey. You will get quick relief.

If you have diarrhea, crush 10 to 12 leaves and drink the juice.

If any part of the body gets burned, apply a mixture of basil juice and coconut oil, it will reduce the burning sensation. The burned area will dry quickly and the burn scar will disappear.

If you are experiencing vomiting or dizziness, drinking basil leaf juice mixed with black pepper will provide special benefits.

Chewing basil leaves on an empty stomach in the morning and drinking their juice increases appetite.

To cure eye problems, soak a few basil leaves in water at night and wash your eyes with that water in the morning.

Chew basil leaves 4-5 times a day to eliminate bad breath.

To enhance the glow of the skin, remove wrinkles and acne, grind basil leaves and apply them on the face.

Chew 5-7 basil leaves daily to increase intelligence and memory.

If you experience burning sensation during urination, mix 250 ml of basil leaf juice with 250 ml of milk or 150 ml of water and drink it.

Tulsi root is a strong sperm enhancer. Drinking a decoction of Tulsi leaves, cardamom powder and a pinch of sugar strengthens sperm. It is very sensual. Eating one inch of Tulsi root with water every day removes sexual weakness.

If the blood is contaminated, drinking the juice of black basil leaves for a few days can be beneficial.

Drinking basil leaves as tea can help keep you away from many diseases. It is also quite popular as basil tea.

Applying salt mixed with basil leaf juice to the ringworm provides relief.

Tulsi seeds become slippery when soaked in water. Mixing sugar in this water and drinking it like a sherbet relieves burning sensation due to urination.

Applying basil juice to dark spots on the face of spring will help fade the spots. Applying basil leaf juice to children who have dark spots on their bodies after measles will help their skin regain its normal color.

Tulsi leaves can cure several kidney diseases. Drinking Tulsi leaf juice daily reduces the risk of kidney stones. If you have kidney stones, drinking Tulsi leaf juice for 6 months will help flush the stones out with urine.

Boiling basil leaves in a little hot water and gargling with that water will quickly cure a sore throat.

Tulsi leaves improve heart function and maintain good health.

Tulsi is very useful in reducing headaches and body aches.

Applying fresh basil leaf juice to the area affected by insect bites can provide some relief from pain and burning.

Tulsi plays an antioxidant role in heart disease caused by fat.

Alcoholic extract of basil increases immunity.

It is used in the manufacture of toothpaste as it is said to relieve dental diseases.

The vitamin C and other antioxidants in basil help reduce stress. These ingredients calm the nerves. Basil leaf juice also keeps the blood pressure in check.

Vitamin C, phytonutrients and its essential oils act as excellent antioxidants that reduce age-related problems. So, keep a basil plant at home to keep your life healthy and beautiful. Keep diseases and ailments away.

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