Palli News Dex: In Lakshmipur, the mobile court imposed a fine of Tk 1 lakh 5 thousand on two private hospitals for using expired medicines, unsanitary environment and extra beds.
On Sunday (July 31) at around 3 o'clock, the Executive Magistrate of the Mobile Court and the Sadar Upazila Land Officer Samar Kanti visited Basak.
The two hospitals are Laxmipur Central Hospital Private Limited and Laxmipur New Model Hospital Private Limited.
The mobile court imposed a fine of Tk 55,000 on the use of expired medicines in the operation room and the use of expired medicines in the Central Hospital instead of the 14 beds allowed for patients. At the same time, New Model Hospital has been fined Tk 50,000 for selling expired medicines.
Laxmipur Sadar Upazila Land Officer and Mobile Court Executive Magistrate Samar Kanti Basak confirmed the matter and said that two private hospitals have been fined Tk 1 lakh 5 thousand for using expired medicines, unsanitary environment and extra beds.