An Argentina fan died while watching the World Cup football match in Faridpur's Madhukhali. His name is Manvendra Kumar Saha (43). The incident happened during the Argentina-Netherlands game in World Cup football on Saturday night.
The deceased is the son of deceased Manoj Kumar Saha of Gajna village of Manavendra upazila.
Chairman of Ghazna Union Parishad. Golam Kibria told Samakal that Manvendra Saha is a supporter of Argentina football team. On Friday night, he was watching the World Cup football match in Ghazna Bazar along with many others. The game was tied 2-2 with a goal scored by the Netherlands in the very last minute of the game by Argentina. Manvendra Kumar Saha could not accept this equality. Before playing the extra 30 minutes, he fell ill due to intense tension and went home. Soon after he suffered a heart attack. He died shortly after. We are saddened by his untimely death.
Resident Medical Officer of Madhukhali Upazila Health Complex Dr. Kabir Hossain said, a patient named Manvendra Saha was brought to the hospital in the early morning. But he died before being brought to the hospital.