Mokhlesur Rahman Dhanu, Kamalnagar Representative:
The court sent Sonali Bank officer Khaled Mohammad Ali to jail in Laxmipur's Kamalnagar. On Thursday (December 22) afternoon, the Senior Judicial Magistrate Amli Court sent him to jail without granting bail in the Kamalnagar GR 127/16 case. Rahim Gazi, lawyer for the plaintiff, confirmed the truth.
Earlier on November 05, bank officer Khaled Mohammad Ali threw hot water on Khaled Mohammad Ali due to his extramarital relationship with plaintiff Salim's wife. He was under treatment at Kamlanagar Upazila Health Complex for a long time. In this incident, Salim filed a case in Kamalnagar police station as plaintiff. Khaled Mohammad Ali son of Maulvi Bazlur Rahman of Char Jangalia area working in Sonali Bank Kamalnagar branch.