BNP Acting Chairman Tarek Rahman's wife Dr. On the occasion of Jobaida Rahman's birthday, wheel chairs were provided to two disabled people in Nandigram, Bogra. District BNP Joint Convenor and Krishak Dal Central Committee Joint General Secretary gave wheelchairs to the disabled and disabled people at the MP's residence in Burail village of the upazila on Saturday afternoon. Mosharraf Hossain MP. The disabled are - Mocha, wife of Sirajul Islam of Omarpur Paschimpara. Saitan and Majnur Rahman, son of the dead mandal of Matihas village of the upazila. Upazila BNP President Alauddin Sarkar, Organizing Secretary Yasin Ali, Municipal BNP Organizing Secretary Golam Hossain, Bachchu Mia, Abul Kalam Azad, BNP Leader Mofazzal Hossain Bulu, Hasen Ali, Shafiqul Islam, Moshiur Rahman, Upazila Chhatra Dal President Jewel Rana, General Editor Mostafizur Rahman Tarek and others.