The holy Eid-ul-Fitr is being celebrated on Wednesday in 10 villages of Laxmipur along with Saudi Arabia. However, the joy of Eid is being lost due to dichotomy and conflict in those areas. Many Muslims and young children were seen sitting at home after Eid prayers. No one has a smile on their face.
As a follower of Maulana Ishaq (ra) for 36 years, early Eid-ul-Fitr is being celebrated in 10 villages in Lakshmipur along with Saudi Arabia. Eid prayer congregation was held at Talimun Koran Noorani Madrasa ground of Ramganj Upazila Noagaon Bazar at around 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday. Maulana Neshar Ahmad presided over it. Almost thousands of Muslims of these villages perform Eid prayers separately at different times in their respective Eid Gaon fields.
It is known that about 1000 Muslims of Noagaon, Jaipura, Bigha, Baro Gharia, Hotatia, Sharshoi, Kanchanpur and Kalakopa villages of Raipur upazila of Ramganj upazila of the district are celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr today.
As followers of Maulana Ishaq (RA), the people of these areas have been celebrating all religious festivals, including Eid, in line with the holy land of Makkah and Madinah.
On this side, keeping Eid ahead, hawkers have set up shops with various items including children's toys by hanging tents near the Eidgah grounds. After the Eid prayers, children flock to those shops.
Meanwhile, disagreements arose among the people of that village around the early Eid celebration. They celebrate Eid in the same village separately with Saudi and Bangladesh.
Abul Hossain of Noagaon village of Ramganj Upazila told Top News that if we celebrate Eid in harmony with Saudi Arabia, we should also pray in harmony with Saudi Arabia. Why would there be disagreement only in the case of Eid..?
Daily Manabzamin Ramganj upazila representative Abu Taher told top news that Neshar Ahmad, a follower of Maulana Ishaq (r.a.), is calling people to celebrate Eid early by going from house to house for the benefit of becoming the imam of the local mosque. This is causing confusion among people.
Ramganj Upazila Nirbahi Officer Md. Abu Yusuf told top news that in some parts of the upazila, they are celebrating various religious festivals including the Holy Eid in accordance with Saudi Arabia, it is a matter of their own belief. There is disagreement among people about this. However, the administration is on alert to avoid any untoward incident on Eid.