The High Court ordered the closure of classes in primary and secondary schools and madrasas till next Thursday amid the ongoing intense heat. On Monday, the High Court bench consisting of Justice KM Kamrul Quader and Justice Khizir Hayat gave this order to the Ministry of Education on its own initiative. Education Secretary, Primary and Mass Education Secretary is asked to implement this order. However, Education Minister Barrister Mohibul Hasan Chowdhury Naufel has mentioned that an appeal will be made against this order given by the High Court.
He said in an event at Agargaon in the capital on Monday, 'Why do you have to bring a court order on the Ministry of Education in everything?' At this time, the Minister of Education commented that it is advisable to fulfill one's constitutional duties.
Lawyer Monir Uddin brought to the attention of the court yesterday the report published in various newspapers about the death of 18 people in different parts of the country due to intense heat. He told the court that school-madrasa students are at risk this summer. The court took cognizance of the matter and passed a self-imposed order.
Lawyer Monir Uddin said that 18 people have already died in the ongoing heat wave. Young students of primary, secondary and madrasas are getting sick on their way to the educational institution. The court ordered that primary, secondary and madrasahs will remain closed until Thursday if these matters are presented to the court.