Muslims flock to the National Mosque Baitul Mukarram to participate in the first Friday prayers of the holy month of Ramadan. The worshipers started coming to the mosque before the scheduled time to participate in the prayers. Immediately after the call to prayer, the mosque was filled to the brim.
One of them is Muslim Uddin. He came from Shantinagar to pray at the National Mosque. He said, today is the first Friday of fasting, so he has come early to please Allah. If you are late, you will not get a place. Pray for the family and the countrymen and the Muslim world that Allah accepts everyone.
On Friday (March 15), the countrymen performed the first Friday prayer of the holy month of Ramadan. The blessed Juma falls in the fourth fast of the Decade of Mercy.
Worshipers submit themselves to God in prayer. Later they participated in prayers for the welfare of family, country and nation. At this time, special prayers are conducted for the development and prosperity of the country.
Meanwhile, to strengthen security and prevent untoward incidents, policemen are seen on alert from Paltan Junction to Baitul Mukarram.