Lok Sabha elections are going on in India. The second round of polling has already been completed. India's main opposition party, Congress, has faced a big blow. Delhi Congress chief Arvinder Singh Lovely resigned. His departure from the party in the run-up to the election is also considered a big blow to the Congress. Indian media NDTV reported this information in a report today.
According to the report, Arvinder Singh Lovely has resigned as the president of the Delhi branch of the Congress. He is said to have resigned in anger over the Congress' alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi.
On Sunday morning, Arvinder Singh Lovely said that he is resigning from the post of president of the Delhi branch of the Congress. He said that he could not protect the interests of Congress workers in Delhi. Therefore, he does not see any reason to remain in the post of party president.
Arvinder Singh Lovely is a long-time Congress leader. He joined BJP once in the middle of 2017. He returned to the Congress within a few months. Lovely is known as a staunch opponent of the Aam Aadmi Party.
Lovely's resignation could lead to deadlock in Delhi Congress ahead of Lok Sabha polls. Along with the resignation letter, he expressed his anger about the alliance with Aam Aadmi Party and AAP in a letter written to Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge.
In the letter, Aurobindo wrote, 'Delhi Congress unit was totally opposed to the alliance with the party which was formed by falsely accusing the Congress of corruption. However, the party decided to form an alliance with the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in Delhi.
Apart from this, Lovely said in the letter, expressing anger against the provincial observer of the party, 'Now nothing of mine matters. Even the appointment of party block presidents is not allowed